How are you? Probably overwhelmed, right? Got a million and one things on your to-do list (why does it always get bigger, never smaller?!)? Ah, I feel you. No, I really get it.

Remember when you started your creative business, and you were so excited to just do the thing you love? But then came eeevvverryything else you now NEED to do in order to have a successful business…

You didn’t sign up for marketing and building a website, or making sure your SEO is perfect, how about your welcome emails? Are they ‘optimised’?!

And what about if you’re introverted, neurodivergent (🙋🏼‍♀️), or an imperfect human (spoiler alert, we’re all imperfect)? Then things can get very overwhelming, very fast.

No, you signed up to doing your craft, because you’re incredible at it and the world needs what you do. And that’s why I’m so pleased that you’re here! To say no to the overwhelm and get the support and community you need.

I’m going to be the Dr Watson to your Sherlock Holmes: you’re the mastermind genius and I’m the critical support whenever you need me.

But wait, let me tell you a bit about me first…

That’s me with baby William on a very sunny day. Eye bags courtesy of William too!

Hi, I’m Sophie, and I’m passionate about creative businesses.

I’m a Virtual Assistant, writer, wife, and mum of 3 based in North Yorkshire in the UK. A Virtual Assistant just means I work remotely from my home to help creative business owners with their admin, social media, content creation, website and branding & design.

I haven’t always been a Virtual Assistant. My background was surgical nursing in the NHS up until 2020 when I jumped ship and went full time self employed, selling wall art prints on Etsy. This is where I learned that I absolutely LOVE the back end admin side to business (I know, I’m weird, but it’s good news for you!).

Now I’m so lucky that I get to work with incredibly talented small business owners. I love my job, I have the most incredible clients, and I love being a small part of their business and their passion too.

Now it’s time to help other creative small business owners to reduce their overwhelm in business. This publication is here because I receive so many messages and emails asking if I can help a creative with an area of their business. They ask for advice about Pinterest, how to create a design in Canva, and what I think of the layout of a blog post.

The thing is, I love helping people, but I can’t help everyone at the same time. Except… now I can! 

Now I can help as many people as possible in one go here on Substack. I can create workshops, courses and tutorials to walk you through different platforms or areas of your business to help you understand them better, and therefore improve how you work.

So why subscribe?

Here I’ll cover all aspects of business including:

  • Planning, Organisation, and Productivity

  • Design and Branding

  • Content Creation and Social Media

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Administrative Tasks and Business Operations

  • Mindset and Wellbeing

As a free subscriber, you’ll get 2 posts per month delivered straight to your inbox or your Substack app. There’s also my free chat space (like our very own private WhatsApp group) where we can check in and get to know each other.

Paid subscribers get extra benefits, including:

  • in-depth written posts exploring a business topic further.

  • Access to ALL courses, training, workshops, masterclasses and guides.

  • A Monthly ask me anything post to get help with any questions you have about business.

  • Quarterly business reset call to prepare for the next 3 months, make a plan and stay on track.

  • Q&A calls with experts in different areas of business

  • Paid subscriber only chat space to get more access to me.

Upgrade to a paid subscription from as little as £1.60 a week:

“Working with Sophie is a creative business owners dream.
She’s organised, creative, understands tech and social media and she’s brim full of ideas!
Highly recommend Sophie’s work, classes and courses.”
- Claire Venus

Got questions? Let’s chat!

Feel free to reach out via Substack DM, or send me an email ( if there’s more you’d like to know. No question is off limits, I’d love to help!

Speak soon Sherlock,

(Aka, Dr Watson) x

Subscribe to Overcoming Overwhelm

Small, simple, bite-sized ways to help creative small business owners to reduce their overwhelm. Courses & workshops & business clinic's with me! Get my FREE 'Reduce Your Overwhelm' PDF in the welcome email.


Virtual Assistant for creative small business owners, helping to reduce their overwhelm by reducing their workload. Also a wife, mum of 3, coffee drinking introvert who loves to write, and enjoys life's simple pleasures.