Jun 4Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

I'm so happy you're setting this up Sophie 😊👍

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Thank you, Eva! I'm so excited to get into it 🥰

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Jun 6Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

Great post; every time I try to get started selling my art it’s just too overwhelming alongside a part time role as an EA and family life. I started an Etsy and closed it because I got no interest whatsoever. How do you know which of your art to put on there? How do you make the products actually get seen? How do you create digital downloads?? How do you decide which art to put on what type of product 🤷🏻‍♀️ *head exploded* And on the flip of that; website! Should I have one (especially now my Instagram gets even less notice), what’s the easiest platform for a novice to create a simple portfolio?

Well that rant escalated- sorry Sophie. 😂

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Rach! I'm so pleased you did have a rant! I sold my wall prints on Etsy for years, both digital downloads and physical prints. I have so much to say about how to help you on Etsy, and I'd love to talk to you further about it.

It's all about having a brand, a unique selling point for you (for me it was my minimal designs), setting up your listings to include search terms that your customers would use. But I understand that this is still a LOT 🤯.

As for a website, I always struggled to match what I was making on Etsy through my website. That's because people are on Etsy to shop and buy something. You just need to put your product in front of them. BUT, it's not impossible to sell through a website.

Just so much to say about everything you've written here. Let me know if you'd like to chat further 😊

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Jun 6Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

Thanks Sophie - I guess it links back to me needing to actually know what I actually want my art to be..still very much just creating and (very randomly) sharing on Insta at the moment - I’d definitely be interested in a post from you on Etsy ☺️

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I'll add it to my posts list and get writing it soon 🥰. Thanks so much for sharing!

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