I have tried to use it, and I can see the potential, but I find it’s a huge time drain to get anywhere with it. I think that part of my problem is I don’t really use it anyway, so I have to force myself to use it for business, and that never really works!

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

I would love to use Pinterest more and I even bought a Pinterest course, but I didn't start with it yet..... so many other things to do....

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Ah yes, it often gets pushed to the bottom of the to do list, doesn’t it? Especially if it feel like yet another thing to do

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

I love Pinterest but don’t have the patience to make pins. I do see sign up results from the ones you make and I pull my Instagram through to it now…

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Oh fab! How do your Instagram posts do on Pinterest?

Making the Pins isn’t fun if you’re not into it

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They boosted the monthly views I think because it’s just more content but I don’t look more than that. Just leave that to you 😂

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Pinterest is such a wonderful opportunity - but only if you have the patience to sit with it. The results come over months, quarters, years.

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Yes, you’re so right. It’s definitely a long game

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For me, I used Pinterest for my previous business which was selling wall art prints on Etsy. I did really well from it, and I still have thousands of monthly views and I haven't touched it in years.

I'm thinking of creating a Pinterest account for my VA business to see how the growth compares between a service and product based business. Would a challenge or a Pinterest follow along be good to do together? Let me know! 😊

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

Hi Sophie, I'm the same as Louise.. haven't got as far as posting anything though, just made a few pins and gave up! 🙈 I don't understand Pinterest, it really confuses me 🙄😆

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Lots of people feel the same way! But... this is really useful for me to know too 🤣.

What I'm creating will go through all of this!

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

Ooo, fab! 👍

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

I keep having fits and starts with Pinterest. I'll make a fresh start every now and again, get into a pinning routine and then it goes by the wayside. Consistency is really difficult, especially as I don't really use it on a personal level.

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This is so common! I think it's because it's not a place where you NEED to show consistently, so we just... don't 🤣.

Maybe getting into a habit would be good? I mean that like making it part of your writing routine. For example, before publishing a post on Substack, you create a Pin for it on Pinterest and schedule them both to go out at the same time. Maybe that'd work?

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Jul 27Liked by Sophie Ingleby VA

Ah, that’s a good idea. Making it an integral part of the content creation process you mean? I’ll definitely try that.

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Yeah exactly that!

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